Entry #6: True Crime

     Hello reader,

    In today's blog, I will be discussing a bizarre interest many people share... true crime! This can range from podcasts to tv shows, as true crime is depicted multiple times in different types of media. If you happen to be one of those people, reader, do believe that I am not shaming you or anyone whatsoever. In fact, I have taken an interest in several true crime stories. I figured that I would try to analyze and explain why a person could be incredibly fascinated and enamored with a topic that can be beyond horrifying.

    The biggest possibility I have come up with is plain, morbid curiosity. People love to know more than they should! When there is a terrifying train wreck or car accident, I find that many passersby slowly drive on, only to take it all in. Something can be horrendous to look at, but you just cannot help to watch it unravel. This is the case with watching and immersing yourself in true crime. You acknowledge the terrible situation, and that it would be awful to happen to anyone. Except, you have the need to know more. How does it end? What happened? Why did it happen? And most importantly; who did it? All these questions are asked by people who investigate true crime, and all these questions are asked by the viewer. Curiosity makes true crime engaging, as the studio or people behind making media on true crime will drag on the answers to these questions. Then, like any tv show one might binge, you have to seek it through to the end.

    Another idea of mine is that people use true crime as a way of making themselves feel a specific emotion. This can even included feeling better about yourself. Initially, this might sound strange, but people have different coping mechanisms of adapting to the situations around them. It might even be the opposite, as some people want to be reminded of how fortunate they are. These stories involving true crime allow the viewer to fully look at the deep depth of the human psyche. We are not perfect, but it could always be worse. True crime shows many examples of the worst. Either way, people that are invested into true crime could potentially be wanting to feel a certain away during the course of it.

    The third and final possibility, is because people want to know how to get away with murder. And how to get better at it. Just kidding! Realistically, there are viewers who see it all as completely fictional. On one hand, it is good not to get so emotionally involved with true crime. On the other, these are real people that have experienced these events. While it may seem exciting, or be entertaining, the truth of it all is that people are capable of disgusting stuff. Instead of glorifying or romanticizing serial killers, murderers, and terrible people, we should take concern and care into the victims. The events that you see occur in true crime media is not impossible to happen to you. It can happen to anyone, as I am sure the victims in plenty of scenarios did not think they could end up in them.

    If there is anything to take away from this blog post, dear reader, do be aware of the people affected in these "stories." They are very real, and should never be consumed purely for personal entertainment. The next time you want to watch that HBO movie about a tragic massacre, or that Netflix show about a serial killer, I beg you to be mindful of the people that have been affected, and the people that are still being affected.


  1. I love watching true crime stories. I think we all have that mindset when watching true crimes. Like when the killer says how they got rid of the body, you think of a better way to get rid of the body, like dissolving the body in acid or something like that. It is just crazy to hear why people were killed. There was this one story about a woman killing her friend just because she unfriended her.

  2. I love watching true crime shows and documentaries. I specifically like unsolved crimes. I like them because it's like solving a puzzle. I like putting together my own theories and ideas on who did things and how the mystery happened. I didn't use to watch them, but I took a few forensic classes in high school. I also have been taking a few psychology classes. That is what sparked my interest. I actually had to analyze true crimes and evidence, then write essays about who did it and what evidence proves it. That was actually going to be my career field before I chose the nursing route. I wanted to be a Crime Scene Investigator. I think you are right about being mindful of the people affected. I feel like it is something morbid that people should be careful of. I also think that there is that interest for some, just for the reason of wanting to help solve it. In reality, most people can't just solve those issues because they are exploring different fields of interest. But I do believe there are types of people that watch them because it is something they want to fix.


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