Entry #10: The Future

     Hello, reader.

    I believe this may be my final blog entry. It was a genuine pleasure writing on here and I do hope I get the opportunity to do something like this again! For this post, I wanted to ramble on a bit about planning ahead for the future. This includes some of my experience, what I would like to eventually achieve, what is realistic, what is not realistic, and so forth. The overall point is, everything is not guided. If you are lucky enough to follow an outline or guideline for your life, you are incredibly fortunate. Of course, nothing is guaranteed, but I am one of those people that would love to have some sense of stability in navigating the rocky thing that is life. Anyways, simply bear with me here, and maybe you will get what I am trying to pass on.

    A year ago, I was an absolute wreck. I had no idea what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. I would constantly have that turmoil of anxiety-ridden angst, as well as the inability to sleep properly. I always need an idea of a plan, that is how my mind works. Without one, I downright feel helpless. That was the state I was in, and the only comfort I could find to reside in was simply pushing it aside. I knew I wanted to go to college, but I did not know where. I wasn't sure if I would still be living in the same home, or if I would still be surrounded by the same people. I like to think a good amount of people look for stability in their lives. Stability will not look or feel the same to everyone, it comes in different forms. However, we all have something that grounds us and makes us feel like things are worth going through; even if momentary. Believing that I am working towards something is that sense of stability for me, as it gives everything a little more meaning. I am an optimist, I usually try to look for the sensible or good side of things. When you're stumbling around in the dark looking for a switch, it can be hard to do that. That is exactly how my experience felt like, and it wasn't easy getting to the point that I am at now. I am still struggling with many different things, but at least I can say that there's a direction I am going in.

    I won't discuss the trials and tribulations I have endured, or what I did to figure out more than I used to have figured out. Everyone will have their own experience and their own life events to go through. Instead, I want to bring up how there is something for everybody. It doesn't matter where you have come from, or who you are, what you do; you're going somewhere. People don't have to be greatly significant to have worth. Pursuing life and continuing with it may be the strongest thing a person can do. There is always time and there will always be choices given. Ultimately, it is up to you to confirm what you want to do or be. There does not need to be a firm idea, everyone's choices will change. As we grow older, we will evolve into different versions of ourselves. These versions of us can be better or worse. Either way, the sense of stability everyone can confide in is the control we have over our individuality and person.

    Don't fret over what you cannot control, but what you can. Uncertainty lies within everything, we will never be sure of any outcomes. Surround yourself with people to care for, that also care for you, and reflect on what can be done better in your life. Distance yourself from the negatives and keep improving on the positives. No one has everything figured out, but anyone can start to. Attempt to the best version of yourself, dear reader. The future holds much for us all; do not fear this, accept to embrace it.

    Have a good rest of the year.


  1. Hey, I'm glad someone else knows what I went through. In high school, there was a lot of pressure to know what I wanted to do in life even though I had just turned 14. That anxiety has carried on even though I have decided on a career but I know fear if I will be successful on my path.

  2. I wish life came with a manual. It would make life so much easier. For every sad, happy, angry, fearful moments in our lives we could just look up in the manual and know how to deal with it. Unfortunately that is not how it works. We figure it out the best way we can. We go through rough patches, and happy times. As long as we keep going.

  3. This blog reminds me of the phrase 'life is like a rollercoaster. You don't know what turns are coming, and you can never go back, and it can be scary most of the time, but you can't deny it was a lot of fun.

  4. I totally get how you feel. Life is so up and down sometimes. You really cannot fret over things that are out of your control or you will stress yourself out.

  5. Good job on your final entries. You have become a strong blogger this semester who is able to create posts that both engage and inform the reader. I am glad to read that you found some value in the blog project as well.


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