Entry #4: Your Impact

     Hello reader!

    To start off this blog post, I will be bringing up the morality of funding corporations. Now it may sound confusing at first, but do not worry. I will explain my query, and I will get to my point over the course of this post.

    Say you like a specific brand of clothing. You absolutely adore everything it puts out. Everything fits your style exactly how you like it. The thing is, the company behind this clothing brand is absolutely corrupt. Many of their volatile actions have been recently brought to light. Now, they are being faced with multiple lawsuits. Of course, when you hear and learn of this news, you are shocked! How could the people behind your beloved clothing brand do such things? Here comes my question. Do you continue supporting this brand, or do you find another clothing company? Preferably one that is not problematic.

    For some, they already know what they would do. For others, it gets a bit tricky. It is hard to detach yourself from something you have grown so accustomed to; however, you are faced with a moral dilemma. If you continue supporting the brand, you are actively giving money to a company that likely does not deserve it. Or, you simply do not care and think the company will continue making money, regardless of your position. While this may be true, this collective thinking eventually leads to gradual income for that clothing brand.

    This leads me to my main point. One person does indeed make a difference! If the ideology of "why does one person's money matter?" slowly dies off, more consumers will start to believe in perpetual change. Over the course of time, this effect can cause a huge blow for that company's revenue. That is right, your decision can have a huge impact. If anything, this concept can be applied to many worldviews. For example, voting is the biggest impact you could make! Go out there and vote, there is a reason why so many people push for nonvoters to make it to the polls. Our country is a capitalistic democracy, everything depends on the people. Diminishing yourself and thinking your actions don't have an impact on anything is completely false. Change starts with one person. Continuous change carries on by groups of people. It all has to start somewhere, right?

    The next time you think to yourself, what can one person do? Acknowledge that your importance is equal to millions of others. Your decision matters. Your influence matters. So get out there, reader!


  1. I like how you used clothing for your explanation. It was easy for me to connect how my decision and influence matter when choosing what item I'm gonna buy and who gonna get my money.

  2. Great piece Irene. I like your analogy of the clothing store and voting. Great job.

  3. I liked how you showed that just one persons decision can make a difference. The comparison between shopping for clothes and voting was really smart.


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