The Author


    This is your author speaking, and that is how it will remain for the duration of this blog! I am excited to be enrolled in this English 101 course.

    Now, let's see... I will start with the basics.

    My name is Irene Cash, I am eighteen years old, I attend Glendale Community College, and I am a full time student. I'm Chicana, I am cis + femme presenting, I have lived in Arizona for most of my life, and I am on this floating lump of space rock to live out a happy little life. In my free time, I love shopping, hanging out with my friends, playing video games, watching any kind of film, and playing with slime. Yes, it was important for me to mention that I play with slime. You should try it sometime, dear reader, it is very relaxing.

    Anyways, I think it is also important to have a section specifically for my pets. Pets are precious and the gift that keeps on giving. If you have been thinking about owning one for some time, do it. If you hate pets and are tired of pet owners talking about their pets, I do not know what to tell you. You are soulless. Just kidding. Maybe. The first pet is my dog, Kujo, who is around six years old. You will have to be easy on me... I am not good with time. Their ages are my version of a rough estimate. We got him when I was just graduating from middle school. He is the "family pet", everyone loves him. He is a Maltipoo terrier mix. My cat, Eva, is a new addition in my life. I have had her for two months now, she is around five months. She is a personal pet, I wanted a cat for a long time and when I was finally able to have the time and financials for one, I jumped on it. She is a Siamese mix flame point. And before you ask, yes, I named my pets after fictional movie characters. I am a cinephile. (Here is my letterboxd, for those who know what that is!)

    Moving on from my beautiful, precious animals...
    I think discussing my pet peeves is a good transition. (Unfunny pun.) I sincerely hope these traits do not apply to you, my reader, as I am sure they are not only very unappealing to me but to the general public. I will organize it into a list, to make it easier on the eyes. Ready? Here it goes...
    1. Insensitive people.
    2. Bigoted people.
    3. People with a lack of regard for others.
    4. I think you get the idea, reader.

    Wow, what a list. I know, I know... I have a high standard, maybe too high. The point is that being kind towards others really does make a difference. It may sound cheese or perhaps a tad bit cringe, but it is the truth. Unless someone is being mean to you, then it is a free for all. Just kidding, again! Maybe.

    If you have made it this far, you must be wondering in what direction a human being, like me, is going in. Well, the answer is simple... anywhere! My limits are limitless, not really, but you get it. I have the freedom to explore whatever and where I want, and you do too. Do not let anyone restrain you from pursuing your passions, your goals, anything that will push you forward and motivate you to try harder. Currently, I am looking into majoring in psychology. Of course, this can change, there can be a sudden moment where I wake up one morning and decide to be a math instructor! And I hate math! Possibilities are endless, I have plenty of time to figure out where I want to go in life. The only pressure you will face may be from family, friends, even your romantic relationships. The thing is, the only person that ends up making those decisions is... you.

    This leads me to the closing of my blog post. I hope this was an enjoyable time for you, reader, because it surely was for me. I can only think of one thing to leave you off with. What makes you unique? Actually, what makes any individual unique? You may answer with a passionate interest in a hobby, your career choice, or maybe a great talent you possess. All answers are valid, for we are not purely defined by the traits we have, but because of individuality. We can all have shared experiences, except it will never truly be the same. We are shaped by everything around us, every single one of you are a different product. The most exciting thing is deciding where we go from here on out. I am me. You are you. Nothing will change this, take solace in that fact.

    Farewell, reader! You will read again!


  1. Hello Irene, I love your post, it made me chuckle. I think pets are wonderful, we have 2 dogs and a guinea pig. I agree with all of your pet peeves, it's important to accept one another. I can't wait to read your next post.

  2. Engaging and authentic tone in this first practice post, Irene. Keep it up!

  3. Hi, your blog is very fancy-nice work

  4. I don't think your standards are too high. I mean, is it really too much to ask for people to be nice and respectful to others, I think not.


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